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Friday, February 18, 2022

Computer numerical control CNC lathe machine

 CNC computer numerical control system in which we use engineering and technology like mechanical electrical electronics computer (megatronic) group of Technology in which servo motor works , operation in which we first take clendrical road pice 20mm dia & 100mm long  road connect in 2 chuck clamp 🗜️ going to mode selector fix MDI manual data input options on fanuc software screen  make short program like M03S1000; endblok insert on fanuc screen keyboard cycle Start check ✅ pice road that is okay then go mode selector MOP manual operation panal  jog slect go -z& -x with raped press button & go near spindal collect pice road finished face 1mm of road pice  by hand MPG because jog -z-x not control so we slect MPG hand control -z face finished with -x with 1mm with rufe tool  again -x operation on road face .5mm with -z axis  1mm - z-axis  major vernier caliper  daiya of road like 19.5mm, select offset press button slect in 2 offset bution open wear , geometry slect geometry 1st in2geometary x,z axis go z axis set z0.0major and x axis 19.5mm major so offset prosses completed so my geometry iCal settings completed of work pice road so going to program dractory slect O0001 program open in to fanuc screen keyboard slect parameters of product in manufacturing programming like product dimensions ,feed ect f40

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